
Fuyang (富阳) is a city within the Hangzhou municipal area in Zhejiang Province. Situated over an hour south of central Hangzhou by bus ride, Fuyang is where you can ride a pedal rickshaw, take a stroll down the Fuchun River front, climb through mountainous parks, go river kayaking, or visit historic Longmen Village.


Fuyang is a classical example of a traditional southern Chinese city. It is next to the Fuchun River and surrounded by mountains from three sides. There is an ancient Chinese poem to describe Fuyang: from ancient times, Fuyang was considered by Chinese people to be the most beautiful landscape in this world (天下佳山水,古今推富春. The famous Yuan Dynasty Chinese painter, Huang Gongwang, painted a landscape of Fuyang which is one of the most famous traditional Chinese paintings.

The whole city covers 1830 km², including 16 towns and 9 townships, with a total population over 600,000.

Fuyang, which in ancient times was known as Fuchun, has a long history dating to the beginning of the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). Highlights include Stork Mountain, the Eight Scenic Spots of Fuchun, and the Angling Terrace of Yan Zilling, o­nce residence of the famous artist Huang Gongwang, of the Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368), painter of the famous landscape "Life in the Hills of Fuchun". Fuyang has been the home of many historical people, including Sun Quan, King of Wu during the period of Three States (220-280), and Yu Dafur (1896–1945), famous writer and novelist.

Get in

If you come from another province, you can go to Hangzhou by train or plane first. Then you can take the bus to get into Fuyang. The bus station is near the Train Station of Hangzhou (城站火车站). The bus runs every 5 minutes and it starts on early morning. Do not try to take the bus from Hangzhou to Fuyang during late afternoon because there would be so many people waiting and therefore you have to queue for at least 30 minutes. There are two bus routes: one to Fuyang New South Bus Station (新南站), another to New Bus Station (新车站). Price to go to the New Bus Station is ¥7.

By car

The 320 National Highway stretches across the region. The airport of Hangzhou is 40 km away.

Taxi: the basic charge is ¥6, and ¥2/km for the additional mileage.

Fuyang City Bureau of Transportation Tel: 0571-63323866 Fuyang City Motor Transport Bus Company Tel: 571-63322792 Fuyang City tourism charter Tel: 0571-23223200, 23223208 Fuyang City passenger transport station hotline: 16826665 Fuyang City Xindeng bus station: 0571-23206130 Fuyang City Flight Ticket Office: 0571-63347111 Fuyang City car calling hotline: 16860999 Fuyang City Bus Companies Inquiry Tel: 0571-23206102 Fuyang City new station Tel: 0571-63323648

By bus

To get to Fuyang from Hangzhou, hop on one of the buses at the Hangzhou-Fuyang bus station located down the block from the Hangzhou Train Station (杭州城站). When you exit the train station, turn right and walk five minutes down East Huancheng Road (环城东路) past a horde of small eateries. The Hangzhou to Fuyang public bus station is located on your right beneath the Qingtai Avenue (清泰街) underpass. The station is small enough that you may mistake it for a parking lot. The ticket booth is located just off of East Huancheng Road to the right of a hole in the wall convenience shop. Tickets cost ¥7 and there are two available destinations - Fuyang New Bus Station (富阳新车站), which runs from 05:25 to 22:30, and Fuyang New South Bus Station (富阳新南车站), which runs from 07:25 to 19:45. Signage is all in Chinese, but if you ask for Xinchezhan (New Bus Station) or Xinnan Chezhan (New South Bus Station), then someone should point you in the right direction.

An alternative is to catch the slower K514 bus that passes by Six Harmonies Pagoda on the Qiantang River front.

By subway

The Hangzhou government is planning to build a subway to Fuyang, Linan, Yuhang, Shaoxing, and Haining. The subway in Fuyang will be called No. 6 line. It will pass through Zhijiang New Town, Shouxiang Town, Gaoqiao Town, and Lushan New Town and through the 320 Nation Way. The total length will be 26.5 km.

Get around

By bus

The main mode of public transportation in Fuyang is its extensive public bus system. The main bus terminals are located at Da Puzha, New Transport Station, Maternity care hospital, the second food market, Guanshan Park, Jiangnan High school, and Fuyang Flim station.

No.1 bus route: Guanshan Park-No.1 primary school-Movie Theater-Enbo square-The Bank Of China-Ermao Market-Gym-Chuncheng restaurant-The hospital for Women and Children-The Western Station-Qiufeng Vallige-No.1 Primary School

No.2 bus route: Guanshan Park-Movie Theater-Huawu Bridge-hobbledehoy palace-Commercial City-state taxation administration-personnel-recruiting market-The new station-Furniture market;court of justice;law court;court;courthouse-Rainbow Bridge-Phoenix Bridge-Bridge of Security-integrated market-The Hospital for Women and Children-The Western Station

No.3 bus route: The new station-personnel-recruiting market; Talent (Human) Resources Market; The personnel market-Okura-Enbo square-Ermao Market-Gym center-integrated market-The Hospital for Women and Children-The Western Station-Transportation Institute-timber market-No.3 Middle School (the new Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology)

No.4 bus route: South Station-Huawu Bridge-Movie Theater-No.1 primary school-Yu Dafu Park-Movie Theater-Second Enbo Bridge-Chen Jianong-International Trade Building or Cetra Building-Qinwang Bridge-Sanjiang Garden-Kangda Village-Culture and education in Xiyuan-Administrative service centre

By taxi

The fare for Fuyang's ubiquitous taxis start at ¥7. Taxi drivers will typically stop to pick up multiple passengers if the customers are traveling along the same routes.

  • Fuchun Taoyuan.

Public transportation: 1. Shanghai-Shanghai-hangzhou highway-Hangzhou turned under the pond-National highway 320-Fuyang-Xukou-Fuchun Taoyuan (上海出发-沪杭高速公路-杭州转塘下-320国道-富阳下-05省道-胥口-胥高线-富春桃源景区) 2, Hangzhou jiangsu ningbo highway-Hangzhou turned under the pond-National highway 320-Fuyang-Xukou-Fuchun Taoyuan (苏州出发-省道-318国道-104国道-320国道-富阳下-05省道-胥口-胥高线-富春桃源)

By rickshaw

Pedal rickshaws are available throughout Fuyang city. A horde of them are usually parked outside the entrance of the New Bus Station. Motorized rickshaws are also common, especially around Darunfa Supermarket. Expect to pay more for a rickshaw than a taxi, perhaps double the base fare of ¥7 that taxis charge, though during rush hour rickshaws are often easier to find than taxis.


  • Guanshan Park (鹳山公园). Guanshan Park is on the banks of the Fuchun River next to Fuyang High School. There is a mountainous trail here.
  • Fuchun Taoyuan (富春桃源). Fuchun Taoyuan is north-west of Fuyang. The scenic spots, of which there are many, are divided into five categories: mountainous, water, forest, caves and natural village. They include Xiaoyao Yanlin lake, Tianchen Yechu forest, Jiuxiao Biyun pass, Xiuxian Hewu lawn and Taoyuan Sanjia village. Xiaoyao Yanlin Lake is about 3 km².
  • Longmen Ancient town (龙门古镇). This small town is about 50 km from Hangzhou. It was the hometown of Sun Quan (the emperor of the Kingdom of Wu in ancient China). This town is famous for its unique Qing dynasty buildings. Behind the town is Longmen Mountain. At 1067 m, with ridges and peaks rise one after another, it is effectively the peak of the Fuyang Mountains. 90% of the villagers of Longmen ancient town are descendants of Sun Quan.
  • Dongwu Park (东吴公园). The style of the buildings in this park is like the buildings in the Three Kingdoms. Just through the ancient gate is a scenic spot. It contains the Lushan Academy, a teahouse, a landscaped lake, and a leisure lawn. The Lushan Academy includes a chess school and poetry club. In the cultural scenic spot, there are some imitated ancient battlegrounds. In addition, in order to highlight the historical and cultural positioning of park, there are some performances about the Three Kingdoms. The park also contains dense forests.
  • Bailong Temple (白龙寺).
  • Children Park (儿童公园). The children's park is famous in Fuyang because it has many interesting attractions, such as bumper cars, trampolines and a roller coaster.
  • Xinsha island (新沙岛) (Take a boat from near Fuyang High School). Xinsha island in the middle of Fuchun River. The area of island is 4.12 km². In the west of the island are large fresh water pools. It is a beautiful and relaxing place where people sip green tea, barbecue, swim, and camp out in the wild. Tourists can take a ferry to go to the island behind Fuyang High School, which costs less than ¥10. Private vehicles can also cross to Xinshao Island by ferry. One ferry boat is a reconstruction of a vessel from the Three Kingdoms period. ¥1 for the boat; tickets for admission to the island are ¥25 per person.
  • Tianzhong Mountain (天钟山). Tianzhong Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in Fuyang, located in the south-west of Fuyang, near the Fuchun River. The area is about 10,000 acres (4000 ha). There is a big temple on the top of the mountain. October 27th is the Temple Festival Day for Tianzhong Mountain. On that day, many pilgrims come there and many activities take place. Tianzhong Mountain not only has a beautiful and diverse natural landscape, but also has a profound cultural heritage with amazing tales associated with it. Lots ancient famous people came though here, including the First Emperor of Qin, Qin Shihuang, the Emperor of Wu Sun Quan and the first Emperor of Ming, Zhu Yuanzhang, and also the Emperor of Qing Qianlong. Su, Zhu Xi, Liu Ji, Huang Kong-wang and lots of literati also came here and left numerous works of poetry and paintings. If you are in Hangzhou, you may take the bus to Fuyang Xinche Bus station first, then the bus to the South Bus Station, and then a direct bus to the Tianzhong Mountain. If you have any question, you may call 0571-63580345 or 0571-63580003. The ticket is ¥35 per person.
  • Huang Kung-wang Mountain National Forest Park (黄公望森林公园). Huang Kung-wang Mountain National Forest Park is 8 km from Fuyang city, nearby the Fuchun River, near the scenic Hangzhou Ling cave. It belongs the ministerial Nature Reserve in Zhejiang Miaoshanwu forest areas, is national scenic area of the primary attractions. Park area about 333 hectares, the forest coverage rate is 96.5%, has about 49 kinds of animals like the clouded leopards and antelope. Huang Kung-wang Mountain National Forest Park. Huang Kung-wang Mountain National Forest Park maybe is the most natural park in China.
  • The base of volplane in Yongan mountain: you can rental a glider here. There is a best place to glide because they have the best weather, landing area, slope of hill, terrain, wind direction, and condition of traffic and vegetation.
  • Yudafu Park (郁达夫公园). There is an old house for Yudafu, it seems to the place that Yudafu live at his period of life. There is an Osmanthus, the is made by wood, and his family were living here. There are some things that he was using and the things that he went though. The house is not so large, but have so much experience that he had. Yudafu is a patriot, he was study in Tokyo. At the time that Chinese have difficult time, he started charity sale with overseas Chinese to help people inside China. He is one of the most famous writers in the near 100 years in Fuyang. His life is pretty tortuous, not only on his study, but also his marriage
  • Qinwang Square (秦望广场). Qinwang Square is a new square near the Fuchun River. There is a significant building in its surroundings, including Fuyang International Mitte Hotel. The idea of government to create this square is to provide a place for people do excise and hold some gatherings. Children always roller skate around this square, because there is enough space for them. Old people dance here, and usually attract more people to join them.
  • The cultural village of papermaking (造纸文化村). The cultural village of papermaking: this village recorded the history of papermaking in China. And it sits on the north bank of Fuchun River. The village covers an area of 2 hectares, there preserve variety of papermaking tools since skill of printing invented. The villagers always wear the ancient clothes; they will teach you how to produce paper.
  • Tongtian waterfall (通天飞瀑). Most of this beautiful waterfall is in a very big cavern. The cavern has been developing for 300 million years. It is a Karst underground river cave. The waterfall drops more than 120 m, is the biggest waterfall in east China, and is only waterfall that is in a cave. The whole cave is the Karst Geological Museum.


  • Spring festival: the first day of lunar new year. "Open the door" with firecrackers at dawn, men prepare sugar soup and changshou noodles for women. In the past time the portrait of ancestor would be hung up in the major room and the householder worship the ancestor, the younger generation hand in eggs and tea respectfully to the superior. There is also the custom in Fenshui area to invite relatives to feast. The floors are not to be swept and no knife or needles or anything else with a sharp blade to be used.
  • Dragon boat festival: also called "Duanwu festival". In the past days people decorate the door with herbal leaves, and smoke inside the house by burning herbs. Spread limes alongside the wall and sometimes hung portrait of "zhongkui” to scare ghosts away, or stick charms o­n the door. O­n the day people eat rice dumpling and "five Guan" (yellow-fin tuna, yellow eel, vitellin, cucumber and king's yellow liquor), in addition they boil meat with garlic. Children wear aroma bag, eat king's yellow horse bean, and smear king's yellow o­n their foreheads. Doctors collect herbs for standby o­n the day. Before the day of the festival, grandmothers give their grandsons fans, bellybands, aroma bags and tiger headed shoes.


Fuyang has two cinemas, named Time and Hengdian. One is in Intime and another is in Wu Mei. The price of movie is not very expensive, only ¥60 per a ticket. Near the cinema, there are a Video Game City and KTV. You can watch movie, sing songs or play video games at there. Across the street, there is a skating rink. At Da Runfa, there has many stores, you can enjoy yourself going shopping there. At there, you can drink coffee in Mei Yide which near by Da Runfa.

  • Hangzhou Wild Animal World Zoo (杭州野生动物世界) is located in Fuyang and is one of the largest zoos in eastern China.
  • Bali River Scenic Area.


  • Fuyang Intime Shop (富阳银泰), intersection of Chunqiu north road and Yucai Road. Five stories high. Fuyng Intime Shop is the first large-scale comprehensive department shopping mall in Fuyang. It has lots of clothing stores and restaurants, a large cinema and KTV.
  • Fuyang Wumei Market (物美超市), Longshan Building, 126 Long Hill Road. snacks, articles for daily use, vegetables, fruit, milk, fast food.
  • Fuyang RT-Mart (大润发). RT-Mart is the biggest market brand in Taiwan and have a chain market in Fuyang. In RT-Mart, there are also clothes and jewelry.


Banshan mountain. The new town board semi- Hill natural beautiful scenery, That is no pollution, good soil, rich peach. Each year, the mountain peach is very good. Annual Peach Blossom Festival" to attract a lot of guests, also fired the Mid-Levels peach brand, half of the village has been classified as the Hangzhou urban agriculture demonstration zone.

Fuyang has lots of refreshment and the most delicious refreshment named MuLian toufu. In fact, there is no relationship with toufu. It is made by climbing fig. And after we put it in the refrigerator about five hours, it will become like jelly. And put some honey in it. Second, toufu is very famous in Fuyang. Because toufu is the special product in Fuyang DongWu Mountain. So, there are lots of refreshment make by toufu.And the most famous refreshment that make by toufu is Wo tofu. Minced meat, mushrooms, tender bamboo shoots, wild rice stem, or oily bean curd tofu are used to produce Wo toufu.


  • The biggest club in Fuyang is the Babyface. It is located near Fuyang RT-Mart (大润发). The address is Jianpu West Road No.139.
  • 118 Music Club (118音乐酒吧),
  • Keeping Distinctive (本色酒吧)
  • Guanshan Club (鹳山酒吧)
  • Les Club (les酒吧)
  • No.88 Club (88酒吧)
  • The Tang Club (唐会酒吧)
  • Marsa (玛莎酒吧)
  • The Holiday Club (假日酒吧)
  • The One Way Street (单行道酒吧)
  • The Break (突破电音酒吧)
  • Be Original (富春街道原始酒吧),
  • Ann cloud top mountain tea[安顶山云雾茶]


There are a lot of great hotels in Fuyang.

  • International Trade Hotel, 56号 Jiangbin W Ave, Fuyang Qu, Hangzhou Shi, Zhejiang Sheng, +86 571 2323 8888. (website in Chinese) Near the Fuchun River; and it is also not far away from the center of the city, approximately 8 minutes driving. Pool, fitness centre, business centre, bar. It also offers buffet for the breakfast, including Japanese food, beef, ice cream and other snacks. It has some polite waiters and the security is really reliable. From US$100.


The main hospital in Fuyang is the Fuyang People's Hospital located on Guihua Road.

According to local news accounts in 2013 the Fuyange government took action to contain the H7N9 avian flu. The sale of poultry plummeted and the government compensated local farmers for economic losses.

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