Iban phrasebook

Iban (jaku Iban) is a tribal language of western Borneo, spoken in Malaysia's state of Sarawak, the Indonesian state of West Kalimantan, and Brunei. There are many dialects; this phrasebook uses the Kuching dialect.

Pronunciation guide


Basic Iban grammar is easy to study. Some of the grammar is closely related to Malay grammar. Word order is verb-object-subject.

I read a book
"Macha bup aku"

Adjectives are placed after the verb

Macha bup aku

Another example:

I'm go shopping with my friend
"Raun enggau bala bakih ke pasar aku"
I search for something
" Ngigak utai aku tok"
I'm so tired
" Lelak mai aku"

Phrase list

Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.


  • Aku - I
  • Nuan/Dek - You
  • Aok - Yes
  • Ndak - No
  • Iti - Piece
  • Aku Kak Ngenak Jamban Dulok - I Would Like To Go To The Toilet
  • Nuan/Dek Ari Dini? - Where Are You From?
  • Nyamai Mai Utai Empak Tuk - This Food Is Quite Tasty
  • Aku Mupok Dulok - I'd Like To Make A Move
. ( )
Hello. (informal)
. ( )
How are you?
 ? ( Nama brita nuan?)
Fine, thank you.
. (Manah )
What is your name?
 ? ( Sapa nama nuan?)
My name is ______ .
______ . ( _____ .)
Nice to meet you.
. (Manah begulai enggau dik )
. (Bah )
Thank you.
. (Terima Kasih )
You're welcome.
. (Sama-sama )
. (aok )
. ( enda)
Excuse me. (getting attention)
. ( )
Excuse me. (begging pardon)
. ( )
I'm sorry.
. ( Minta ampun)
. ( Selamat Jalai)
Goodbye (informal)
. ( )
I can't speak Iban [well].
[ ]. ( enda nemu jako ?????? [])
Do you speak English?
 ? ( ?)
Is there someone here who speaks English?
 ? ( bisi urang nemu jako English ditu?)
! ( Tulung!)
Look out!
! ( Berjimat!)
Good morning.
. (Selamat pagi )
Good evening.
. (Selamat lemai )
Good night.
. ( )
Good night (to sleep)
. ( )
I don't understand.
. ( endak nemu aku)
Where is the toilet?
 ? ( Dini jamban )

Clock time

Pukul brapa diatu?









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