Indonesian zoos and botanical gardens

This is a list of some of the zoos and botanical gardens in Indonesia.




  • 🌍 Pematang Siantar Zoo (Pematang Siantar) — see ligers that are the result of self-breeding by the zoo.

West Sumatra

South Sumatra

  • 🌍 Lahat Mini ZooLahat


  • 🌍 Taman Aneka Rimba Jambi (Jambi) – one of the few Indonesian zoos that has kangaroo.

Riau Archipelago

  • 🌍 Cat Eyes Forest (Batam) — a mini zoo located in the middle of a jungle, there is a pond that filled with dozens of gold Arowana fish measuring one meter.
  • Mayang Sari Nirwana Garden Lagoi ZooBintan




Central Java

East Java


  • 🌍 Bali Bird ParkSingapadu
  • 🌍 Bali Safari & Marine ParkGianyar
  • 🌍 Bali ZooSingapadu

Botanical gardens

West Java

  • 🌍 Bogor Botanical Garden – Bogor City (also visit Bogor Zoology Museum and take a look at Bogor Palace)
  • 🌍 Cibodas Botanical GardenCianjur
  • 🌍 Cibinong Botanical Garden – Bogor Regency
  • 🌍 Kuningan Botanical GardenCirebon

East Java

North Sumatra

  • 🌍 Samosir Botanical GardenSamosir
  • 🌍 Sipirok Botanical GardenSouth Tapanuli


  • 🌍 Pelalawan Botanical GardenPelalawan
  • 🌍 Batam Botanical Garden – Batam City

West Sumatra

Bangka Belitung

  • 🌍 Tebat Gadong Botanical GardenEast Belitung



  • 🌍 Liwa Botanical GardenWest Lampung
  • 🌍 Sumatra Institute of Technology Botanical GardenSouth Lampung

Central Java


West Kalimantan

  • 🌍 Sambas Botanical GardenSambas
  • 🌍 Lake Lait Botanical GardenSanggau

Central Kalimantan

  • 🌍 Katingan Botanical GardenKatingan
  • 🌍 Sampit Botanical GardenEast Kotawaringin

South Kalimantan

  • 🌍 Banua Botanical GardenBanjar Baru
  • 🌍 Balangan Botanical GardenBalangan

East Kalimantan

North Sulawesi

  • 🌍 Minahasa Botanical GardenMinahasa

Southeast Sulawesi

South Sulawesi

  • 🌍 Massenrempulu Botanical GardenEnrekang
  • 🌍 Jompie Botanical GardenParepare
  • 🌍 Pucak Botanical GardenMaros


  • 🌍 Wamena Botanical GardenJayawijaya

Nusa Tenggara

  • 🌍 Lemor Botanical GardenLombok, West Nusa Tenggara
  • Wolobobo Botanical GardenNgada, East Nusa Tenggara

See also

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