
Kilinochchi is a district town located in the Northern province of Sri Lanka 100 km (62 mi) South of Jaffna

Get in

By rail

The 335 km journey from Colombo takes 6.5 hours and costs LKR 300-1000 depending on train class.

By bus

The same journey takes 7 hours by bus but costs LKR 260–350.

By taxi

From Vavuniya: RS.5000-6500, 1 hour 20 minutes, 74 km

Get around

Walking long distances in Kilinochchi is not recommended. The best options are to hire a vehicle or travel by taxis such as three-wheelers. Ride-share apps like Uber and Pick me are also available.

  • Buses are cheap but uncomfortable. Bus fares are around LKR 20. Have exact change.
  • When hiring a vehicle, small vehicles will make navigating the streets crowded city streets easier.
  • When catching a taxi, be sure that it is labeled 'Metered Taxi'. See this article

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