
Kunszentmárton is a town of 8,000 people (2018) of the Hármas-Körös, and a district in the southern part of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.

Get in

The town is 76 km from Szeged, 50 km from Kecskemét and Szolnok, 25 km from Szarvas.

By car

In the east-west direction, the main road 44 passes through the town, which is joined from the north by the main road 442 from the direction of Szolnok - Martfű and here the main road 45 starts towards Szentes and Hódmezővásárhely. The M44 motorway also passes north of its inhabited area.

By train

MAV 130 Szolnok-Hódmezővásárhely-Makó railway and 146 Kiskunfélegyháza-Kunszentmárton railway line. Their meeting point is Kunszentmárton railway station, which is in the north-eastern part of the city center, accessed by Kossuth Lajos út.

There are direct trains from Szolnok, Hódmezővásárhely, Makó, Kecskemét.

See and do

In the town

In 🌍 Kunszentmárton.:

  • St. Martin Roman Catholic church (1781-1784, one of the tallest church in Hungary)
  • City Museum
  • City Hall
  • the Attila József High School, was Körös (historical) hotel
  • Museum of Local History (Kerületiház Street) was the Kerületiházat
  • former synagogue (now Béla Bartók Hall for concerts and axhibits, Deák Ferenc Street)
  • Körös dam (with the Farkas bends is unique)
  • 'Alsó' cemetery's chapel and Stacio lines, Köttön street) was the windmill (Szentesi út).
  • Beach at Körös River bank.

Near the town:

  • the Hármas Körös River and its floodplain (part of the Koros-Maros National Park). Ride on a bike and explore this area, water tours, bird watching, fishing also hunting possibilities are here.


  • May - May Day Picnic and Children's Day
  • June - Kaiser Cup Force Festival
  • The last weekend in June - Wind Orchestra Meeting and Tuszazug Music Festival (Roman Catholic Church)
  • July - Two-days rock festival
  • August - St. Stephen's Day, Dalamáris Folk Music Festival, Tuszazug cultural shows and Kungyalu's traditional Riding Day
  • Mid-September - City Day, Körös Fish Food Cooking Competition
  • November - St Martin's Days. To stay: riverside Camping and Mid-school College.

In the district

  • 🌍 Tiszaföldvár (S of Szolnok, by train Szolnok, Szentes (two hourly)). Urban Reformed Church (Late Baroque, 1788); Lutheran Church (1855, late Classicist); St. Stephen's Church (Roman Catholic, 1894, Neo-Romanesque, Neo-Gothic); Heart of Jesus Church (Roman Catholic, Homok district, Döbrei János út); Princes might apartment (now Tuszazug Geographic Museum, Kossuth Road 101); Kossuth Square historic architectural ensemble; Somogyi Monument (in front of St. Stephen's Church); Free Chimneys (Gulyas-family) house (1890-1900, Kossuth u. 2); Kossuth tree (Oak Methuselah). To do: Thermal water swimming-pool and Camp (curative thermal waters, waveless swimming pool, baby splash pool, pool water massage jets, hot food restaurant, a snack bar. Volleyball, soccer and water polo).
  • 🌍 Tiszakürt (by bus: Szolnok, Kecskemét, Gyula). Bolza Castle (end of the 19th century); Reformed Church (1887, eclectic style); Roman Catholic Church; Granary (19th century); "Madáritató" fountain. - To do: Bolza Arboretum (60 ha, Nature reserve)
  • 🌍 Csépa (Trains from Kecskemét, Kunszentmárton, bus from Kecskemét, Csongrád). Walking, birdwatching tours in Fertő of Csépa (marshy grassland, Area: 67 ha), angling in Tisza river backwater system, Passed the Tisza-Körös rivers tour route at 'Mámairéti' lookout and also there is a boating lake. Visit also the Saint Jakob church

Several possibility for hunting, fishing, aquatic, equestrian and cycling tourism (health tourism); Ideal for nature lovers, hikers and naturalists


In the town

  • riverside Camping and Mid-school College.

In the district

  • Overnight Tourist Accommodation, (Kossuth u. 1-2, Csépa; Ft 1000 p.p. (2014) five rooms with kitchen).

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