Madurese phrasebook

Madurese or simply Madura (known natively as Bhasa Madhura) is a language spoken predominantly by the Madurese people, native to the Indonesian island of Madura.

Pronunciation guide

Phrase list

Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.


Gloss Orthographics Phonetics Information
my book tang buku

bukuna sèngko’

[taŋ buku]

[bukuna sɛŋkɔʔ]

taŋ is a possessive marker of first person

{-na} possessive marker

your book bukuna bâ’na [bukuna bɐʔna]
Rani’s book bukuna Rani [bukuna Rani]
new bike sapèdâ anyar [sapɛdɐ aɲar]
new clothes kalambhi anyar [kalambʰi aɲar]
big house bengko rajâ [bəŋkɔ rɐɉɐ]
. ()
Hello. (informal)
. ()
How are you?
Bârâmma kabhârrâ ? [bɐrɐmma kabʰɐrrɐ ?]
Fine, thank you.
. ()
What is your name?
Sapa nyamana bâ’na ? [sapa ɲamana bɐʔna ?]
My name is ______ .
Tang nyama _____ [taŋ ɲama ____] : Nyamana sèngko’ ____ [ɲamana sɛŋkɔʔ ____]
Nice to meet you.
Senneng atemmo bân ba’na [sənnəŋ atəmmɔ bɐn bɐʔna]
. ()
Thank you.
Kalangkong [kalaŋkɔŋ]
You're welcome.
. ()
. ()
. ()
Excuse me. (getting attention)
. ()
Excuse me. (begging pardon)
. ()
I'm sorry.
. ()
. ()
Goodbye (informal)
. ()
I can't speak Madurese [well].
Sèngko’ ta’ patè bisa abhâsa Madhurâ. [sɛŋkɔʔ taʔ patɛ bisa abʰɐsa Madʰurɐ]
Do you speak English?
Bâ’na abhâsa Inggris? [bɐʔna abʰɐsa iŋrɪs ?]
Is there someone here who speaks English?
Apa bâḍâ sè bisa abhâsa Inggris è ḍiyâ? [apa bɐɖɐ sɛ bisa abʰɐsa iŋrɪs ɛ ɖiyɐ ?]
 ! ( !)
Look out!
 ! ( !)
Good morning.
. ()
Good evening.
. ()
Good night.
. ()
Good night (to sleep)
. ()
I don't understand.
Sèngko’ ta’ ngartè. [sɛŋkɔʔ taʔ ŋartɛ]
Where is the toilet?
 ? ( ?)


Gloss Orthographics Phonetics Information
Monday Sennin [sennin]
Tuesday Salasa [salasa]
Wednesday Rebbu [rəbbu]
Thursday Kemmis [kəmmis]
Friday Juma’at [jumaʔãt]
Saturday Setto [səttɔ]
Sunday Ahad [ãhãd]


Gloss Orthographics Phonetics Information
black celleng [cəlləŋ]
white potè [pɔtɛ]
red mèra [mɛra]
blue bungo [buŋɔ]
yellow konèng [kɔnɛŋ]
green bhiru [bʰiru]
orange kalak [kalak]
pink mèra ngodâ [mɛra ŋɔdɐ]
purple bungo terrong [buŋɔ tərrɔŋ]


Gloss Orthographics Phonetics Information
pedicab pèca, [pɛcaʔ]
car motor [mɔtɔr]
motorbike sapèdâ motor [sapɛdɐ mɔtɔr]
ships kapal tasè’ [kapal tasɛʔ]
airplane kapal terbang [kapal tərbaŋ]
bicycle sapèdâ [sapɛdɐ]
bus bis [bɪs]
train seppur [səppʊr]


Gloss Orthographics Phonetics Information
north dâjâ [dɐɉɐ]
northwest bârâ’ dâjâ [bɐrɐʔ dɐɉɐ]
west bârâ’ [bɐrɐʔ]
southwest bârâ’ lao’ [bɐrɐʔ laɔʔ]
south lao’ [laɔʔ]
southeast mor lao’ [mɔr laɔʔ]
east tèmor [tɛmɔr]
northeast mor dâjâ [mɔr dɐɉɐ]


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