Northeast Afghanistan

This section covers the Northeastern portion of Afghanistan.

The historic region of Bactria spanned territory that included parts of northern Afghanistanβ€”plus areas that are now in Uzbekistan or Tajikistan.


  • 🌍 Faizabad β€” a lovely town on the bank of Kokcha River. Nearby is the Lake Shewa, one of the sources of the Amu Darya
  • 🌍 Kunduz β€” a town with large Uzbek and Tajik majorities

Other destinations

  • 🌍 Ai-Khanoum β€” a monumental Hellenistic city at the strategic confluence of the Oxus river and the Kokcha river, destroyed by the nomadic Yuezhi around 145 BC
  • 🌍 Surkh Kotal (also called Sar-i Chashma) β€” the location of huge temples and statues made during the rule of the Kushans.
  • 🌍 Shamali Plain – windy green plains producing much of the food for central Afghanistan, badly hit by the wars
  • 🌍 Nuristan – one of the most remote areas on Earth, right up in the Hindu Kush mountains
  • 🌍 Wakhan Corridor – the Wakhan National Park; river valleys surrounded by very rugged mountain country, squished between Tajikistan and Pakistan
  • 🌍 Panjshir Valley – river valley popular for its mountains
  • 🌍 Sultan Eshkashim Market town at the border of Ishkashim village, Tajikistan


Official Provinces

  • Badakhshan Province, part of the ancient kingdom of Badakhshan; the rest of it is in Tajikistan
  • Baghlan Province
  • Kunduz Province
  • Nuristan Province
  • Panjshir Province
  • Takhar Province

Get in

🌍 Kunduz Airport, UND IATA. Flights from Fayzabad, Kabul by East Horizon Airlines and Kam Air

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