Sharchopkha phrasebook

Sharchop or Tshangla is a regional language spoken in eastern Bhutan.

Pronunciation guide


Front Central Back
Unrounded Rounded
Close /i, ɪ/ /y, ʏ/ /ɵ/ /ʊ/
Mid /ɛ/ /ə/ /o/
Open /æ/ /a/ /ɑ/
Diphthong /øʏ, oʊ/


  Labial Dental/Alveolar Alveolo-palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Plosive tenuis p t k ʔ
voiced b d ɡ
Affricate tenuis ts
aspirated tsʰ tɕʰ
Fricative voiceless]] f s ɕ h
voiced v z ɦ
Lateral l

Common diphthongs

Coda Open Nasal Glottal stop
Medial jw jw jwɥ
Nucleus i i           
y y           
ɪ ɪ   ɪɲ       
ʏ ʏ   ʏɲ       
ɵ ɵ         
ʊ ʊ           
ɛ ɛ          
ə     ən wən əʔjəʔwəʔɥəʔ
o     joŋ  joʔ  
øʏ øʏ           
æ æ          
a     ã jaʔwaʔ 
ɑ ɑ ɑ̃jɑ̃wɑ̃ ɑʔjɑʔ  

Phrase list

Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.


. (kuzu zangpo )
Hello. (informal)
. (Wai)
How are you?
 ? (kuzu zangpo la?)
Fine, thank you.
. (dek pay kadrin chey )
What is your name?
 ? ( nan ga ming hang ya?)
My name is ______ .
___jang ga ming ___ . ( _____ .)
Nice to meet you.
. (sho nang phi wa )
. ( kuchay )
Thank you.
. (kadinchee)
You're welcome.
. ( )
. (gila)
. (ma gila / mangi )
Excuse me. (getting attention)
. (tha goth cho lay )
Excuse me - request to repeat question . (begging pardon)
. (la)
I'm sorry.
. (ro ma tsik cho )
. (lek bu joensho )
Goodbye (informal)
. (ya ya )
I can't speak Sharchopkha [well].
[jing ghi sharshop saylu man cha ]. ( [ ])
Do you speak English?
 ? ( chilingpa kha selay mo?)
Is there someone here who speaks English?
 ? ( ?)
 ! (wai charo aii !)
Look out!
 ! ( wai goth cho!)
Good morning.
. (kuzu zangpo )
Good evening.
. ( )
Good night.
. (lek bu yep cho )
Good night (to sleep)
. (lek pu zim sho na )
I don't understand.
. (jang ma sela )
Where is the toilet?
 ? ( chabsang oh ya?)


1-10: thur, nigdzing, sam, pshi, nga, khung, zum, yen, gu, se


  • Red: tshalu
  • Blue: yinglu
  • Green: chang kha
  • Yellow: serbu
  • Black: changlu
  • White: Balengmu


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