
Taining (泰宁 Tàiníng) is a county in Fujian with a UNESCO Geopark nearby.


The scenic area of ​​Taining Ancient City is in the center of the county; to the south of the county, 1 km to the Geological Museum, 9 km to the Jinhu Scenic Area, km to Maoer Mountain Scenic Spot; to the west of the county seat to the Zhaixia Grand Canyon 16 km; to the north of the county seat, 21 km to the upper wharf of Shangqingxi Scenic Spot, 17 km to Jiulongtan Scenic Spot, and 10 km to Zhuangyuan Rock; drive to each scenic spot on cement or asphalt pavement, which can be reached within half an hour.


There is no extreme heat in summer and no severe cold in winter. The four seasons are mild and humid, with sufficient sunlight and abundant rainfall. There is plenty of rainfall in the area.

Get in

From Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and other places directly to Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wuyi Mountain, and then take a car to Taining.

By train

Directly from Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen and other places to Shaowu, Shunchang, Nanping, Sanming and other places, and then take a car to Taining.

By car

Taining is 76 kilometers to Shaowu, 146 kilometers to Wuyi Mountain, 62 kilometers to Jiangle Yuhua Cave, 184 kilometers to Nanping, 176 kilometers to Sanming, and 85 kilometers to Lichuan, Jiangxi.

By plane

There are passenger flights from Fuzhou, Putian, Shishi, Xiamen, Dongguan, Guangzhou and other places.

Fees and permits

Each scenic spot of Taining Global Geopark has different entrance fees.

Get around

By bus

There are buses from the urban area to the Zhaixia Grand Canyon, Jinhu, Shangqingxi, Jiulongtan, Zhuangyuan Rock, and Maoer Mountain Scenic Area.

By taxi

Taining County is very small, and taxis generally do not use the meter.

The rickshaw tricycle is common form ofvtaxi.

There will be white rental vans on Taining Street. After discussing the price with the master, you can go to the scenic area. It is best to leave the contact information of the master to facilitate contact on the return journey.


🌍 Taining National Scenic Area (泰宁国家级风景名胜区)

It is also known as the Jinhu Scenic Area because it is in the upper reaches of the Jinxi River and is rich in sand and gold. The overall shape of Jinhu Lake is arc-shaped, like a crescent moon, from northeast to southwest and then to southeast. There are dozens of small and small streams in the lake area, which gather water from the surrounding 6 counties and cities. The total area of ​​the scenic spot is 136 km².

Jinhu Lake has the beautiful scenery of 72 peaks, 36 rocks, 18 holes, 5 springs, and 2 waterfalls. The "five unique" characteristics of green mountains, beautiful waters, beautiful rocks, strange caves, and strange peaks; the scenic area has a good ecology, with a coverage rate of over 95% of the original secondary forest, excellent water quality, and the blue waters of Danya and Cuifeng. There are many flora and fauna; the climate is pleasant, and suitable for travel in all seasons.

Danshan and clear water are the two major elements that make up the scenery of the Golden Lake: the majestic beauty of the mountains, the beauty and elegance of the water; the green and blue lakes, and the red stone that stretches for dozens of kilometers. The group is connected as a whole, Danya plunges into the center of the lake, and the clear water penetrates into the belly of the mountain; the cliffs are often indented into caves, and the stream flows down to form waterfalls; the lake reflects the majesty of the peaks, the peaks set off the depth of the lake, and the ancient rock temples inlaid along the coast, Many cultural landscapes, such as fishing villages, ancient tombs, etc., are full of twists and turns, and are full of spirituality. They have created rare water Danxia wonders in China, especially Ganlu Temple, Water Yixiantian, Valley Mijin, Tiangong Buddha Statue, and natural Peerless wonders such as the cliffs and rock carvings are breathtaking.

🌍 Temple of Ganlu (甘露寺)

The origin of the name of the Ganlu Temple is that the spring water filtered and seeped from the rock formations in the temple is sweet and sweet, just like the nectar. It was built in 1146 CE. It was built by Ye Zuqia of Taining and Northern Song Dynasty to repay his mother’s wish. It is said that Ye Zuqia’s mother came from the city to pray for a child in the incense-saving Guanyin Temple. To rebuild the temple, the cave is as big as the cave.” Later, he got a son. When Ye Zuqia grew up, he was the top high school champion. In order to repay his mother's vow, Ye Zhuangyuan recruited the world's architects to build the temple. However, due to the steep terrain, the temple was unable to start construction for a long time. One day, a craftsman named Zhou Xitou saw a strong man carrying a log placing a thick and straight log on a Y-shaped iron fork. Therefore, he was inspired by Zhou Yitou persuaded the Ye family with a set of words: "The number one scholar in the house is named Ye, one tree and four horizontal lines; this rock is narrow and wide at the top, like the reversed word'Pin'. The first grade official of the dynasty, so the temple was built like this."

On both sides of the temple are natural red rock mountains, the left side is like a bell, and the right side is like a drum. The two are collectively called bell and drum stones. The Ganlu Rock where the "Ganlu Temple" is located is sandwiched in it, so there is a saying that "the temple (miao) is in it with the left bell and the right drum".

The temple is a red building inlaid in the red rocky mountain and integrated with the mountain. The whole temple is made of wood and is bolted to each other without an iron nail. In order to adapt to the special cave structure with a wide top and a narrow bottom, the design of the T-shaped arch uses only a huge beam and column to support the building above, which is very incredible. The spirit of the earth presents a peaceful and peaceful beauty.

🌍 Shang Shudi (尚书第)

It was a residential building from the Ming Dynasty, commonly known as "Wufutang". It was the mansion of Li Chunye, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War and the crown prince, and it is the largest and best-preserved Ming Dynasty residential building in Fujian. Built during the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty, the mansion sits on the west side and faces the east. There are 5 main houses and 8 auxiliary houses, which are divided into 5 gates and arranged along the corridor. Except for the halls, patios, and corridors, more than 120 houses are all made of brick, stone and wood. Each main house has three entrances. The corridors, courtyards, corridors and patios are all paved with granite slabs. The halls are square tiles and the patios have carved stone pillars, flower stands and stone cylinders. The hallway in front of the court is divided into north and south gates, and the north entrance is equipped with a guard of honor and a living room. There are five gate towers in the corridor, with stone plaques inlaid on the front of the gates, which are inscribed with "Shangshudi", "Zhuguo Shaobao", "Fourth Generation and One Product", "Flying on the Stars", "According to the Light of the Sun and the Moon", and "Du The stigma of the plaque is engraved with various delicate patterns. The layout of the entire mansion is rigorous and reasonable, magnificent.

Located to the east of Shangshudi, Shidetang is an ancient building at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty, with a history of more than 500 years. The main house is a series of six west-to-east volcanic-walled hard mountain-style wooden frame buildings, with a simple style and extensive materials. The hall completely preserves the Ming Dynasty residential building model of "three halls and nine buildings". The halls are connected together, safe and comfortable, and show the architectural art of Ming Dynasty residential buildings. Shidetang, Shangshudi and Li's Ancestral Hall together form the Shangshudi complex, with a total area of ​​12,000 square meters. The building complex contains various functional buildings such as ancient official residences, private houses, ancestral halls, living rooms, auxiliary rooms, large courtyards, and reproduces part of the ancient life scenes. It is one of the most typical and complete ancient residential boutique architectural communities in the south of the Yangtze River. The Second Shengli Street, where Shang Shudi is located, is an ancient street left in the city, where a large number of residential buildings from the Ming Dynasty have been preserved. The residents here drink water daily, and even use wells from the Ming Dynasty. The names of "Longqing" and "Wanli" are engraved on the well circle. In addition to the ancient buildings to see at the Li's Ancestral Hall next to the ticket gate of Shang Shudi, you can also watch Taining's unique Meilin Opera and experience Taining's unique humanistic atmosphere. It has now been converted into a performance hall and is the resident of Taining County Meilin Drama Troupe. When there are tourists visiting, there will be scenes of the Meilin Opera 8 times a day.

🌍 Zhaixia Grand Canyon (寨下大峡谷)

Also known as the Golden Dragon Valley, it is an excellent place to view the Danxia landform. It has typical red cliffs, caves, lane valleys, line valleys and barrier lakes. Due to the formation of the canyon They are caused by three types of geological processes, namely flowing water erosion, gravitational collapse, and tectonic movement. There are many amazing attractions in the Zhaixia Grand Canyon, such as:

  • The "landslides" of the Tongtian Gorge can shock people's hearts. Due to the overall cliff wall being affected by the 90° vertical gravity, the top of the mountain collapsed and weathered in 1976 and was chopped like a huge monument erected to the sky.
  • Xuantianxia’s [Water Drop Stone Wear] is amazing. The reason for the formation here is that the water flows from the top to the bottom, and it is formed by vertical erosion of the flakes. Because the Danxia landform is a sedimentary topography and is formed by the accumulation of glutenite, the erosion effect is particularly developed.
  • In the "time-space tunnel" of Yitianxia, ​​you can see and touch two geological rock formations that are separated from each other at the same time.
  • Tianqiangyan is the most fascinating part of the Zhaixia Grand Canyon. It is a rare telescopic cave in China, which means that the caves are connected to the caves, and the caves are surrounded by caves. There are small caves in the big cave. Hundreds of Danxia caves of different sizes and shapes look like a sacred cave at the bottom of the valley. The dome of the palace is truly breathtaking.
  • There is a lake hidden at the bottom of Danya Valley in the Zhaixia Grand Canyon, Yanqi Lake, surrounded by green bamboos and trees, the lake is quiet, cold and clear.

🌍 Taining Ancient City (泰宁古城)

It was called "Jincheng Field" in ancient times. In the Western Han Dynasty, it was a hunting place for King Wuzhu of Minyue. The county was founded in the first year of Zhongxing in the Southern Tang Dynasty (958 CE).


  • Taining Cultural Tourism Festival (泰宁文化旅游节): activities, including landscape photography contests, mountain outdoor sports challenges (cross-country running, mountaineering, mountain biking, kayaking, bamboo rafting, inline skating, cross-country skills) and so on.
  • Appreciation of the Merlin Opera (欣赏梅林戏): Taining Meilin Opera was introduced to Meilin Village in Taining County during the Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty (1736–1795). The local people have long circulated a folk song: "Eighteen houses in Meilin, nine dan boxes from ten households, playing jingle drums, singing Meilin accent."


There are hundreds of small noodle shops in the urban area.

Taining has a lot of good and unique delicacies, and you can find restaurants with these delicacies everywhere; come here, might as well try the local delicacies, otherwise it will be for nothing!

  • Biyu Roll -is one of Taining's famous snacks, belonging to Fujian cuisine. The common name is "Leek Rice Cake". According to legend, in the Northern Song Dynasty, Ye Zuqia, a native of the town, had a wealthy family and was hardworking and studious. In order to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city, he lived in seclusion more than 100 miles away from the county town at the age of 16, and now belongs to Dabugang, Dabugang, Shaowu. According to history, in the second year of Xining in the Northern Song Dynasty, when Ye Zuchaia went to the capital for examinations, his mother used leeks and rice to make jasper rolls for him. After Ye Zuqia went to the top high school in Beijing and returned to his hometown, in order to repay his mother's kindness, he put on a big jasper roll feast to entertain relatives and friends.
  • Nuan Mushroom Bun -It is a special delicacy of Taining. It is said to be "Mouse Qu Xiao Cao Bao Shan Zhen". It uses "Mo Qu grass" and rice milk as raw materials, pounded into glutinous rice, plus shiitake mushrooms, black fungus, bacon, Fillings such as bamboo shoots and dried tofu are made into buns. Sage grass is a small grass with hairy leaves. In spring, small yellow flowers bloom in the fields. Every family in Taining makes warm mushroom wrappers to worship the gods of the land and pray for a good harvest in the New Year.
  • Xiancao cake -commonly known as "Jelly" in Taining. There is a local saying that "Emerald Xishi with fairy grass". The raw materials are rice noodles and grass. Rice noodles, immortal grass and well water are boiled in a pot, frozen and agglomerated. Eating jelly in summer can cool down and prevent heatstroke, clear away heat and detoxify.
  • White striped fish -a specialty of Jinhu Lake, in large numbers. Dip it with salt and pepper and potato powder, deep-fry it, it tastes crisp and fragrant, and it is served with soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and garlic mash.
  • Whenever a wedding or funeral banquet, the locals will inevitably want to eat the pounded dumplings, which is the "bottom" of the banquet, commonly known as "satisfaction." The glutinous rice that has been washed and soaked is first steamed in a large steamer, then poured into a stone mortar, pounded into glutinous rice cakes, and then kneaded into various shapes of glutinous rice cakes. Rice cakes can be divided into glutinous rice cakes, champion rice cakes, Qingming rice cakes, Shangyuan rice cakes, and Wupu japonica rice cakes.
  • Assorted pancakes -Taining flavor snacks can be seen everywhere on the streets of Taining. Those who have lived in Taining for a long time may not care about this small detail, but this is one of our local traditional delicacies in Taining. The original is just simple After the rice is ground with soybean milk, it is directly fried. It can still be found in some breakfast snack bars. Later, it was converted to the current filling with various fillings.


Shangshu Liquor in Taining is commonly known as Jiu Niang. According to legend, Shangshu Liquor was made by combining with local winemaking techniques when Zou Yinglong, the number one scholar in the Southern Song Dynasty, brought back the secret recipe from the palace when he was in the position of Shangshu. The wine is light yellow in color, mellow and delicious.

Taining has one western bar called the Bamboo Bar, owned by two Englishmen. Cheap prices, good music and open till late.


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