
Zentsuji (善通寺) is a city of 31,000 people (2022) in northwestern Kagawa prefecture.


Tourist information site

The local tourist association has a Japanese-only guide site.

Get in

By train

On the Shikoku Railway Company's Dosan Line from Konzōji.

By car

  • Takamatsu Expressway
  • National Route 11
  • National Route 319

By bus

  • Kotosan Bus (Marugame Station - Zentsuji Akamon - Kotohira Station)


  • 🌍 Zentsuji temple (屏風浦五岳山誕生院善通寺), 3-3-1 Zentsuji-cho. A Buddhist temple of the Shingon sect in Zentsūji. It was established in 807 by Kūkai, founder of Shingon Buddhism, who was born where the temple now stands. The oldest structure, the Shakadō Hall, dates to around 1677.

Go next

Routes through Zentsuji
Matsuyama  W  E  Sakaide Takamatsu

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